Guide to the Different Types of Cat Litter

Finding the best types of cat litter for your feline friend can be quite the puzzle! The ideal cat litter won’t turn your whole home into a sandbox, will be easy to clean, will minimise smell, won’t affect you or your cat’s lungs, will be eco-friendly and won’t break the bank. 

We’ve put together a little guide for you to see the pros and cons of the different types of cat litter available to help you choose the best type for you and your kitty BFF. 

Note: This guide will not address flushability, as it is advisable to dispose of cat litter in a bag rather than in the toilet to minimise plumbing issues - even for those brands which advertise flushability. Flushing cat faeces also heightens the risk of Toxoplasmosis transmission through the water, especially if your cat is an outdoor cat or eats a raw diet. 

Clay Cat Litter

 Clay cat litter comes in many types: clumping or non-clumping, odourless or with added scents or neutralisers (such as baking soda, or fragrances). As it is naturally occurring, it is a popular choice for litters. 

Non-Clumping Cat Litter - Pros: Affordable, easy to find in stores, comes in a wide variety. 

Non-Clumping Cat Litter - Cons: Tends to track dust quickly, can be messy, not environmentally friendly, can be smelly. 

 Clumping Cat Litter - Pros: Easy to scoop, neutralises or covers odours, a bit more expensive than non-clumping but still affordable, less frequent full litter box changes. 

Clumping Cat Litter - Cons: Tends to track dust quickly, not environmentally friendly, can cause respiratory issues in humans and cats. 

Silica Cat Litter

Also known as crystal cat litter, this litter is made of quartz sand, which is combined with oxygen and water to give a highly absorbent crystal. These can hold up to 40 times their weight in fluid (compared to clay litter which can hold up to 12 times its weight in liquid). 

Silica Cat Litter - Pros: Dust-free, lightweight, good odour control.  

Silica Cat Litter - Cons: Dangerous if consumed, requires daily scooping and stirring to maintain cleanliness. Some cats dislike the texture and will not use it, can grow mould and bacteria if not well-maintained, tracks badly due to fine gravel-like texture and can scratch floors, more expensive than most types of cat litter.

Pine Pellet Cat Litter

Known as wood pellets, this type of cat litter is similar to newspaper pellets in appearance.  

Pine Pellet Cat Litter - Pros: Pine-scented, low-dust, eco-friendly, natural, very inexpensive if purchased as horse bedding pellets or from home renovation stores. 

Pine Pellet Cat Litter - Cons: Some cats do not like the feel of pellets, non-clumping (but can be used easily with a sieve-type litter box). 

Paper Pellet Cat Litter

Paper pellet cat litter is made from recycled newspaper, and occasionally leaves and sawdust, depending on the brand. 

Paper Pellet Cat Litter - Pros: Eco-friendly, unscented, non-toxic, no chemical additives, non tracking, no dust. Preferred type of litter for kittens or cats with injuries / post surgery. 

Paper Pellet Cat Litter - Cons: Low odour control, some cats may not like the feeling on their paws, requires more frequent changing than some other types of cat litter. 

Walnut Cat Litter

Made from crushed walnut shells, it has a similar texture to clay cat litter, however is more lightweight, which many cats (and owners) love. 

Walnut Cat Litter - Pros: Eco-friendly, unscented (though has a pleasant natural smell), good odor control when stirred regularly, non-toxic, no chemical additives, low-dust, lightweight and clumping. Some cats find it easier to cover their urine and feces with this type of litter, and prefer the feeling on their paws. 

Walnut Cat Litter - Cons: Somewhat tracking, darker in colour (need brighter light to locate solids), may cause blockages or dehydration if consumed, can become mouldy if not cleaned regularly. May attract rodents and insects in rare cases.  


One of the newer types of cat litter on the market, tofu cat litter is becoming more popular.  

Tofu Cat Litter - Pros: Environmentally friendly (100% natural), low maintenance, low-dust, non-tracking (larger pellets), clumping for easy scooping, unscented, non-toxic. 

Tofu Cat Litter - Cons: Fairly expensive, can go mouldy in high-moisture environments. 

Corn Cat Litter

Biodegradable and compostable, this type of cat litter has a granular texture and may be attractive to those who are looking for a more eco-friendly option. It can, however, be lethal to cats and is therefore not recommended. 

Corn Cat Cat Litter - Pros: Natural scent, dust-free, odour-absorbent. 

Corn Cat Litter - Cons: Can develop a fungus which is fatal to cats, contains harmful herbicides which can cause chronic bowel disease. 


Give us a ring or send us a message at Happy Hounds to see how we can help, or if you would like to have your litter scooped by our caring and dedicated team during your Holidays!


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